
www.PlayAroundHK.com is belong to Zuni Marketing Limited. All information and services provided by www.PlayAroundHK.com (the “Website” or “PlayAround” ) and Zuni Marketing Limited (“Zuni” or “We”) are provided on an “as is” and “current” basis, and we do not provide any warranty or quality assurance, in expressively or implied manner, on services, services quality and product quality of services or sales of products. We further denied any warranty of non-infringement of third party or indirect product or services provided. EXCEPT STATED ABOVE, WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT: A) THE SERVICES AND INFORMATION SATISFY ALL USER’S REQUIREMENT; B) THE SERVICES AND INFORMATION ARE UP-TO-DATE, SAFE, ACCURATE, AND THEIR PROVISION WILL NOT BE INTERRUPTED OR SUSPENDED; C) THE SERVICE PROVISION AND MATERIALS ARE EFFECTIVE, ACCURATE OR RELAIBLE; OR D) THE QUALITY PRODUCT OR SERVICES, INCLUDING DIRECTLY SUPPLY BY US OR FROM OUR ASSOCIATES, MEET USER’S EXPECTATION NOR FREE FROM DEFEAT OR ERROR.

Our Website may exist technical error, contain error or inaccurate information, or error in information sequence. We may update or amend any information and services including but not limited to the price, all the products and their description, at any time without prior notice. The information or services in our website may be outdated and we do not warrant to provide any update on all the materials or information.

It is user’s discretion and responsibility to use our Website or download our information, user shall be liable for any risk or lost towards device, such as computer or mobile phone, including but not limited to data lost, software and hardware malfunctioning and damage.

User may engage with other user, suppliers or service providers in commercial transaction through our Website or services. User acknowledge that all party (including the buyer side and seller or provider side) involved in transaction mutually agree and accept all the terms and conditions including but not limited to price, quantity, quality, product or services nature, purchase and payment terms, warranty, warranty terms, maintenance and delivery arrangement mutually. User agree and accept it is user’s own risk and liability in these transaction, and Run2Gather do not warrant any user’s transaction with third party. Except the product or services provided by PlayAround and its associates, we further deny any liability or warranty of products, services, materials and information provided by third party in or through our website.

User may post or upload information or messages in chat rooms, message boards, newsgroups, blog or any interactive services, these information or message only represent the opinion or judgement of that user; PlayAround do not endorse these message, information or materials. We further deny any responsibility of the accuracy or reliability of these information, material, suggestion, opinion or declaration from unauthorised spokesman.

User accept and agree, it is normal to anticipate services interruption or suspension while using our services. User further accept that PlayAround has no control nor influence to third party website and any the delay or interruption during visiting third party website through PlayAround is agreed and accepted.

User accept and agree our services provision is “as is” and “current” basis. PlayAround is not liable to any transmission error, information deletion, storage failure of communications or personalized setting.

You hereby declare that you participate in “PlayAround”, “Zuni” and all related activities (“Activities”), that you are willing to abide by the provisions and rules set by PlayAround, Zuni and its agents (collectively referred to as “Organiser”), and agree to the following point:

1) You are voluntarily participating in the activities organized by this website and are willing to bear your own unexpected risks and responsibilities, and within the scope permitted by law, you have no right to report to the organiser, sponsors and support organizations (including but not limited to PlayAround, coaches, Employees, persons directly or indirectly related to the event, staff or organizations), to recover any form of compensation for your own accidents, deaths or losses of any kind that occurred during training, on the way to and from the event venue, or during the event, and legal liability.

2) You declare that you are healthy and capable of participating in the activities held on this website, and confirmed by a medical practitioner that your fitness is suitable for participating in the activity.

3) You agree and accept all discretionary rights of the “organiser” for the event; if there is any dispute, you also agree and accept that the “organiser” has all rights to elaborate on this “statement”.

4) You understand that all entry fees are not refundable, and at the same time, the paid race qualifications cannot be transferred to other races currently being held or to be held in the future.

Limitation of Liability

In no event PlayAround, Zuni or our associates will be liable to user or any third party in any specific, direct, indirect, consequential, punitive or any lost arising from including but not limited to failure to use, loss of data, loss of profit, any known or unknown situation, or liability claim. This limitation of liability applies to the direct usage of our website, quoted from our website, or referring through our website.

In addition, PlayAround is not liable to any business transaction provided by our Website or by third party, while business transaction including but not limited to any services and order processing.

Order & Delivery Policy

1. General order terms and conditions:

We will make every effort to ensure that the price, information and size of the goods listed on the Online store have been updated. We reserve the right to change the price of goods without prior notice. We can decide whether to accept all orders based on inventory supply.

We will make every effort to ensure that the goods listed on the Online store provide inventory supply. If any product cannot be provided to customers due to shortage, we have the right to provide the same type and price of goods for replacement.

All orders will be subject to final confirmation depending on the availability of related goods. If we fail to provide any ordered products or services, we have the right to refuse to accept the order.

2. Delivery service:

We provide SF to pay to [SF station / SF service station / EF locker / convenience store] service, please check the address of SF station at the following website before placing an order:


Please take the address of SF Express Station and fill it in the delivery information;

If you fail to make an appointment for the first scheduled delivery appointment or because you provide an inaccurate address and you fail to receive the product you purchased, we (or through our delivery provider) will retain the subsequent delivery appointment The right to charge you extra shipping fees;

All delivery dates and times are estimated delivery dates and times. We are not responsible for any loss or damage that you may cause due to delivery delays.

3. Cancellation and refund policy:

Once the order is confirmed, it cannot be cancelled and the paid fee will not be refunded.

Until the customer pays the full amount of the product purchased, we will retain the property rights of the relevant product, and the relevant property rights and risks will be deemed to have been transferred to the customer when the relevant product is delivered to the customer. The ownership of any product you purchase is transferred when we deliver it to the delivery person.

In any case, we are not responsible for any loss of income (whether direct or indirect), profit or any indirect or sequel loss caused by your transaction with us.

4. Protection of privacy

In order to protect the privacy of your personal data, we ensure that the policies and practices regarding the collection, use, retention, transfer and access of personal data comply with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486, Laws of Hong Kong. Please review our privacy policy statement.

PlayAroundHK.com reserves the right of final decision on all matters.

Terms of Use

1. Confirmation and Acceptance of Terms and Conditions.

We, www.PlayAroundHK.com, are the information and services provider. “We”, “our services”, “Website” or “PlayAround” means our website, any connected services partners including but not limited to our courier services companies, appointed online stores, distributors and resellers, sponsors, affiliates, directors, shareholders, advertisers, consultancy service agents, and developers of our website. “User” means any people who use any information or services of PlayAround. When User use any information or services of PlayAround, it implied User understood and accepted all the terms & conditions, notice, and any other agreement between User (herein aftercall “Terms of Use”). User shall also comply any updated “Terms of Use” that would be updated via the website from time to time.

Please leave this website and stop using PlayAround if you do not agree or accept the “Terms of Use”. We shall provide no responsibility or liability for our information and services.

We also reserve the right to revise, update or change the Terms of Use at any time without notice. You acknowledged and agreed that it is User’s responsibility to get the updated Terms of Use from time to time in the Website.

You hereby declare that you participate in 'PlayAround' and all related activities ('Activities'), that you are willing to abide by the provisions and rules set by Run2gather and its agents (collectively referred to as 'Organiser'), and agree to the following point:

1) You are voluntarily participating in the activities organized by this website and are willing to bear your own unexpected risks and responsibilities, and within the scope permitted by law, you have no right to report to the organiser, sponsors and support organizations (including but not limited to PlayAround, coaches, Employees, persons directly or indirectly related to the event, staff or organizations), to recover any form of compensation for your own accidents, deaths or losses of any kind that occurred during training, on the way to and from the event venue, or during the event, and legal liability.

2) You declare that you are healthy and capable of participating in the activities held on this website, and confirmed by a medical practitioner that your fitness is suitable for participating in the activity.

3) You agree and accept all discretionary rights of the 'organiser' for the event; if there is any dispute, you also agree and accept that the 'organiser' has all rights to elaborate on this 'statement'.

4) You understand that all entry fees are not refundable, and at the same time, the paid race qualifications cannot be transferred to other races currently being held or to be held in the future.

2. Service Scope

PlayAround provides running information and services including but not limited to race events and campaigns, training module and programs, sales of products, membership programs. Users are required to provide himself/ herself any required equipment, such as computer or mobile phone, and all relevant internet or mobile access fee that may incurred when using our website and services.

We reserve our discretion right to change, suspend or close our website or services without prior notice, and we shall have no liability to any other parties on this right. This right also apply to any update, services enhancement, maintenance, and new functions and features of our services.

3. Personal Data and Privacy

User is required to provide us your personal information and data (herein after called “Personal Data”) for registering an account in our Website before using our services. User undertakes to provide us the true and accurate Personal Data and to update us your Personal Data upon request from time to time.

User hereby authorize PlayAround to use or transfer your Personal Data to third parties, while all the Personal Data is protected and bind by our Privacy Policy. (Detail please refer to our Privacy Policy and Statement).

4. User Conduct in our Website

User shall comply with all the applicable regulations and laws (both Hong Kong SAR Law, the Law of User’s country of origin, and the Law of the location where User send or upload the message), and responsible for the content posted in our Website. By any means of communications in our Website, including but not limited to chat rooms, message boards, newsgroups, or any interactive services, User cannot upload, post, distribute, promote or share any content in the format of text, icon, graphics, images, sound, video, data, software, or any format of the following:

i) illegal, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, infringing on the privacy of others, infringing, including descriptive or graphic depiction or sexual activity (including but not limited to violence or threatening language directed at another person or A group of people), or violate our rules or policies,

ii) harms, harasses, blinks, or intimidates of an individual or a group of religious, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability people;

iii) infringed of any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, promotional idea or franchised rights;

iv) unauthorized or unsolicited advertisements, trash or junk-mail (also known as 'spam mail'), chain letters, any other form of unauthorized solicitation, or any form of lottery or gambling;

v) data, virus, computer code, programs, documents or any tools that would damage or intends to damage or decrease the performance any software, hardware and communication function, and obtain or intends to obtain any unauthorized data and information from our Website.

vi) counterfeit identify, or to pass oneself off as others or other organizations;

PlayAround does not endorse nor responsible for any information uploaded or posted by any third parties. We will not preview, censor, monitor, edit nor verify the content or materials of chat rooms, message boards, newsgroups, or any interactive services that posted or uploaded by Users. We reserve our discretion for our staff or dedicated agent to delete any content without prior notice nor any compensation. User hereby agreed and accepted our discretion of such deletion of content, non-compensation, and any latency for such deletion.

User agree and accept PlayAround has the right to suspend or terminate User’s services, membership or registered account any time, without any prior. User further agree to fully cooperate with governmental departments of criminal investigations, crime prevention and network security investigations.

5. Third party websites and information

Our Website may provide hyperlink of other websites or quote outside information somewhere else in form of text, files, software, graphics, audio and video information (herein aftercall “Outside Materials”). User agree and accept the PlayAround shall have no control to these Outside Materials, and PlayAround shall have no liability to the truth, accuracy, copyright, compliance, legitimacy, errors and omissions of the Outside Materials. These Outside Materials is for easy reference only, and PlayAround denies any endorsement, assurance nor warranty to these Outside Materials, and we further deny any connection, business associates nor affiliates with the sources of Outside Materials.

6. Intellectual Property Right

Any information, text, message, data, communication, software, photo, graphic, icon, sound track, video and any other materials that User can be obtained from our Website herein-aftercall “Content”. Content also including but not limited to the information in our chat rooms, message boards, newsgroups, or any interactive services.

Upon accepting the Terms of Use, User agreed and warranted that the uploaded or posted content in our Website comply the law of copyrights, trademarks, patents or other proprietary rights, and PlayAround has the intellectual property right of the Content. Except personal uses, Users is not allowed to copy, modify, republish, upload, post, distribute, or make a copy of any Content without our prior written consent. Any unauthorized use of Content may infringe intellectual property right; we reserve all rights for remedy and all relevant legal cost incurred.

PlayAround reserves all rights for the design, layout, graphics, icons, logo, trademarks and services names.

7. Authorization Use of Provided Materials

All the material or information that User send, post or upload by to PlayAround by any means will be understood as non-confidential and non-proprietary materials. User also grant all rights to PlayAround or its appointed agents to use, reproduce, distribute, display, perform, publish, translate, adapt, or modify these provided materials anywhere and in any form, and in any current or unknown future media.

Save and except with the written consent of both parties, User shall not send, provide, upload any confidential or proprietary material to us in any circumstance.

8. Indemnity

User agree to hold PlayAround harmless in legal liability and warrant to indemnify us all the claims and legal cost for any dispute arising from User’s misuse or abuse of our Services or Content. We also the right to defense or confine the liability for any claims or legal dispute; User hereby warrant that will provide genuine cooperation for such defense.

9. Security and password

PlayAround will provide a password for any registered account to enter and use our Services. It is User’s responsibility to secure the password. Upon User’s request, we will provide another account access or new password to User via provided contact information including but not limited to email or mobile number, while PlayAround has no liability on the security of such internet or mobile network. PlayAround will use its best endeavor to store and protect Users data and information, and we will comply the Law of Hong Kong SAR Chapter 486 (Personal Data and Privacy Ordinance) in collection, handling and storage of Personal Data and Privacy. Detail please refer to our Privacy Statement.

10. Promotion Participation

PlayAround may advertise or provide promotion from time to time, and some promotion may be provided by other company or agent that is NOT PlayAround or Zuni Marketing Limited (herein-after call “Third Party”). When Users use our Services or enter our website, User agreed and accepted to participate in these promotion activities. PlayAround has no liability, responsibility, obligation for any Third Party promotion, and it is User’s own discretion in participating of promotion.

11. Communications.

PlayAround may use automated services or screening technology to protect us from the junk mails (also known as 'spam' mail) or the information that is not designated for our purpose. However, we are liable nor responsible for any consequent of such blocking or screening out email or message caused by these automated services or screening technology.

12. International Use

PlayAround does not warrant our services can be used or applicable to all countries, except for those dedicated area including but not limited to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, and countries to be specified later. It is User’s responsibility to comply the local law, and PlayAround shall have no obligation in worldwide legal compliance.

13. Termination of Use

PlayAround reserves the right to suspend or terminate User’s part or all the Services in our discretion at any time, including but not limited to the violation of Terms of Use. Any illegal acts or fraudulent conduct is prohibited in PlayAround, and we will report these case to relevant legal enforcement authorities.

Upon termination or suspension for any reason, your right to use the existing services on this website will immediately cease, and you acknowledge and agree that we may immediately deactivate or delete your account and all related information and files associated with your account, and/or prohibit any further access to such files or the website. We shall not be responsible to you or any third party for any claims or losses arising from the termination or suspension or any other actions taken in connection therewith.

If you wish to terminate your membership registration with our company, you must notify us in writing. Upon receipt of written notice, we will delete your registration information and activity records from our system within three working days. Once deleted, past records cannot be recovered. We shall not be responsible to you or any third party for any claims or losses arising from the termination or suspension or any other actions taken in connection therewith.

14. Applicable law and Place of Jurisdiction

Policy, Terms of Use and operation of PlayAround complies to the Law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Hong Kong will be the place of Jurisdiction for any legal dispute.

15. Notification

Please contact PlayAround through the email box: playaroundhk.com@gmail.com PlayAround will serve User personal notification through email or mailing, while we may use User’s submitted email or contact information for notification, or we may serve notification through our website.

16. Entire Understanding

The Terms of Use and policy of PlayAround constitute the entire agreement and arrangements with us, and they supersede all other understandings and communications. User cannot change, amend nor modify the Term of Use and our policy. Save and Except the mutual written consent, the Services will be void and forfeited in case of any alternation or change of Terms of Use. The Terms of Use will supersede any deviation of operation in case and use as the final interpretation.

17. Others

A) User’s litigation or legal claim towards PlayAround must be filed within ONE calendar year of the incident; otherwise, the right of claim will be deemed as forfeited and give up forever.

B) User cannot transfer any obligation, liability or responsibility stated in the Terms of Use to any other party.

C) User cannot sell, resell, copy, or use any part of our Websites for any commercial purposes.

D) Force Majeure

Except mandated by Law, PlayAround is not liable for any failure or delay of provision of services in any case that beyond our control or unforeseeable event including but not limited to strike, war, fire, accident, disaster, embargo, bad weather, transportation failure, government actions.

E) In case any part of The Terms of Use become invalid or unenforceable, that part should be interpreted or delivered as its original intends in a lawfully manner, and the remaining part of the Terms of Use shall be remaining valid and fully enforce; and the right of PlayAround remain valid and the right of the Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver.

F) Please contact us if you have any query on the Terms of Use via email: playaroundhk.com@gmail.com

Privacy Policy Statement

Last modified: June 06, 2022

This privacy policy describes the personal data collected or generated (processed) when you use www.PlayAroundHK.com (“Sites”). It also explains how your personal data is used, shared and protected, what choices you have relating to your personal data and how you can contact us.

WHAT Personal Data Do We Collect and WHEN?

We ask you for certain personal data to provide you with the products or services you request. For example, when you make purchases, contact our consumer services, request to receive communications, create an account, participate in our events or contests, or use our Sites.

This personal data includes your:

contact details including name, email, telephone number and shipping, billing address;

login and account information, including screen name, password and unique user ID;

personal details including gender, country, date of birth and purchase history;

payment or credit card information;

images and photos;

data on physical characteristics, including weight and height (such as estimated stride);

fitness activity data provided by you or generated through our Sites or Apps (time, duration, distance, location, calorie count, pace/stride); or

personal preferences including your wish list as well as marketing and cookie preferences.

We collect additional personal data from you to enable particular features within our Sites. For example, we request access to your phone’s location data to log your run route. This personal data includes your:

movement data from your device’s accelerometer;

photos and image;

(GPS) location data; or

social network information, including credentials and any information from your public posts about Run2gather or your communications with us.

When interacting with our Sites and Apps, certain data is automatically collected from your device or web browser. More information about these practices is included in the “Cookies and Pixel Tags” section of this privacy policy below. This data includes:

Device IDs, call state, network access, storage information and battery information; and

Cookies, IP addresses, referrer headers, data identifying your web browser and version, and web beacons and tags.


We comply with local laws and do not allow children to register on our Sites or Apps when they are under the legal age limit of the jurisdiction in which they reside. We will ask for parental consent for children participating in PlayAround experiences and events.

TOOLS to Manage What Personal Data We Collect

When using our Apps and Sites, we also provide in-time notice or obtain consent for certain practices. For example, we will obtain consent to use your location or send push notifications. We may obtain this consent through the Apps or Sites or using the standard permissions available on your device.

In many cases, your web browser or mobile device platform will provide additional tools to allow you to control when your device collects or shares particular categories of personal data. For example, your mobile device or web browser may offer tools to allow you to manage cookie usage or location sharing. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with and use the tools available on your devices.

WHY and HOW Do We Use Your Personal Data?

We use your personal data in the following ways:

To Provide the Features of the Sites, Apps, and Services You Request

When you use our Sites and Apps, we will use your personal data to provide the requested product or service. For example, if you make a purchase on PlayAround or participate in an event or promotion, we will use the contact information you give us to communicate with you about the purchase, event or promotion. If you contact our consumer services, we will use information about you, such as delivery or payment information, or the product you have purchased to help you resolve a problem or question.

If you use our Apps to track your fitness activity or physical characteristics, we will collect this personal data and store it so that you can review it in the App. Your fitness activity data may include data you enter about your activity or data collected by your device during your activity such as location data and movement data. We may use this activity data to calculate further information about your activity, such as distance run, or calories burned, so that the calculated information can be provided to you as part of the functionality of the App.

To Communicate Information about our Products, Services, Events and for Other Promotional Purposes

When you consent, we will send you marketing communications and news concerning products, services, events and other promotions. You can opt-out at any time after you have given your consent.

If you are an existing customer of PlayAround (for example, if you have placed an order with us), we may use the contact details you provided to send you marketing communications about similar PlayAround products or services where permitted by applicable law (unless you have opted-out). In other cases, we ask for your consent to send you marketing information. We may use the information that you provide to us as well as information from other PlayAround products or services - such as your use of PlayAround’s Sites and Apps, your visits to or purchases made in PlayAround stores, your participation in PlayAround events and contests - to personalize communications on products and services that may be interesting for you.

To Operate, Improve and Maintain our Business, Products and Services

We use the personal data you provide to us to operate our business. For example, when you make a purchase, we use that information for accounting, audits and other internal functions. We may use personal data about how you use our products and services to enhance your user experience and to help us diagnose technical and service problems and administer our Sites and Apps.

To Protect Our or Others' Rights, Property or Safety

We may also use your personal data about how you use our Sites and Apps to prevent or detect fraud, abuse, illegal use, violations of our Terms of Use, and to comply with court orders, governmental requests or applicable law.

For General Research and Analysis Purposes

We use data about how our visitors use our Sites, Apps and services to understand customer behavior or preferences. For example, we may use information about how visitors to PlayAround search for and find products to better understand the best ways to organize and present product offerings in our storefront.

Use (Processing) of Workout Info

As discussed above, PlayAround collects data about your fitness activity or your physical characteristics , together, “Workout Info”, to provide our Apps and other services. Because of the personal nature of this data, we strive to provide you with clear information about how Workout Info will be used. As this data may be considered sensitive in certain jurisdictions, we take appropriate measures in protecting and using this data and, where required by applicable law or under PlayAround’s internal policies, will obtain your consent for use of your Workout Info.

Other Purposes

We may also use your personal data in other ways and will provide specific notice at the time of collection and obtain your consent where necessary.

Legal Grounds

To process your personal data, we rely on certain legal grounds, depending on how you interact with our Sites and Apps.

When you purchase PlayAround products and event ticket from our Sites and Apps, we need your personal data to fulfill our contract with you. For example, we need your payment and contact details to deliver your order.

When you use our Apps, we rely on your consent for processing and for certain limited purposes to fulfill our contract with you (for example, for in-App purchases).

We also rely on other legal grounds, such as our legitimate interests as a business, to comply with a legal obligation, or to protect your vital interests.

SHARING of Your Personal Data

PlayAround shares your personal data with:

PlayAround entities for the purposes and under the conditions outlined above.

Third party service providers processing personal data on PlayAround’s behalf, for example to process credit cards and payments, shipping and deliveries, distribute emails, research and analysis, manage brand and product promotions as well as administering certain services and features. When using third party service providers we enter into agreements that require them to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data.

Other third parties to the extent necessary to: (i) comply with a government request, a court order or applicable law; (ii) prevent illegal uses of our Sites and Apps or violations of our Sites’ and the Apps’ Terms of Use and our policies; (iii) defend ourselves against third party claims; and (iv) assist in fraud prevention or investigation (e.g., counterfeiting). to any other third party where you have provided your consent.

Your Sharing

When you use certain social features on our Sites or Apps, you can create a public profile that may include information such as your screen name, profile picture and hometown. You can also share content with your friends or the public, including information about your PlayAround activity. We encourage you to use the tools we provide for managing PlayAround's social sharing to control what information you make available through RPlayAround’s social features.

Your Rights and Our Legal Bases

PlayAround is committed to providing you with meaningful information and choices about the information you share with us. We explain how we collect, use, share, and protect your information in our Privacy Policy. We provide the same suite of privacy tools and controls to all of our members worldwide who use our Sites or Apps. Based on the laws of your location, particular rights may be available to you. Please click on the links below to learn more about your rights and our legal bases for processing your information.

European Economic Area Member Rights

European Economic Area Members: Our Legal Bases for Processing Your Information

European Economic Area Member Rights

Your Rights and How to Exercise Them

If you are habitually located in the European Economic Area ('EEA') or the United Kingdom ('UK'), you have the right to access, rectify, download or erase your information, as well as the right to restrict and object to certain processing of your information. While some of these rights apply generally, certain rights apply only in certain limited circumstances. We describe these rights below:


Where we process your information based on our legitimate interests explained below, you can object to this processing in certain circumstances. In such cases, we will cease processing your information unless we have compelling legitimate grounds to continue processing or where it is needed for legal reasons.

Access and Porting

You can access much of your information by logging into your account. If you require additional access or if you are not a PlayAround member, contact us at playaroundhk.com@gmail.com.

Rectify, Restrict, Limit, Delete

You can also rectify, restrict, limit or delete much of your information by logging into your account, such as to edit your profile, delete photos you have posted, remove individual activities from view, or delete your account. If you are unable to do this, please contact us at playaroundhk.com@gmail.com.

Revoke consent

Where you have previously provided your consent, such as to permit us to process health-related data about you, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your information at any time. For example, you can withdraw your consent by contacting us at playaroundhk.com@gmail.com. In certain cases, we may continue to process your information after you have withdrawn consent if we have a legal basis to do so or if your withdrawal of consent was limited to certain processing activities.


Should you wish to raise a concern about our use of your information (and without prejudice to any other rights you may have), you have the right to do so with your local supervisory authority.

European Economic Area Members: Our Legal Bases for Processing Your Information

Data protection law (for example, in the EEA or Brazil) requires organizations to have legal bases to collect, use, share and otherwise process information about you. While some of your rights apply generally, certain rights only apply depending on the legal bases we rely on to process data. We’ve explained these legal bases and your rights below.

To provide the PlayAround Services

As described in the Terms of Use, the core PlayAround Services cannot be provided, and the Terms of Use cannot be performed, without PlayAround processing data including for the following purposes:

Create your account and provide you with access to the Services.

Record your activities, including your location data.

Help you analyze your performance.

Respond to your support requests and comments.

Since we process data you provide to us which is necessary to perform our contract with you, you have the right to port or transfer that data if you are habitually resident in the EEA or the UK.

With your consent

We ask for your permission to process your information for certain purposes and you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. We ask for your consent to:

Collect or infer health information which may include information inferred from sources such as calories or other indicators. We use your health information to provide helpful statistics and visualizations.

Send you marketing communications.

Collect and process information from third-party products and services, such as Facebook or Google, or devices and apps

Access photos, location through your device-based settings so we can provide the services described when you enable the settings.

When we process data you provide to us based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at ,playaroundhk.com@gmail.com. You also have the right to port or transfer the data.

Legal obligation or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims

We process data where we have a legal obligation to do so, for example, where we're responding to valid and binding legal process from law enforcement agencies for certain data. See our Privacy Policy, under 'Legal Grounds' for more information. In addition, processing may be needed for us to establish, exercise or defend civil or criminal claims in connection with actual or potential litigation including to protect the Our Services, our property or other legal rights, including those of our members or partners.

To protect vital interests

We process data where it is necessary to protect an interest which is essential to someone’s life or protect any person from serious bodily injury. This includes processing information to combat harmful conduct both on and off of our Services.

Carrying out a task in the public interest

Where laid down by EU law or the law in an EU Member State, we may process your data to perform processing in the public interest. This may include protecting against harm and undertaking research for social good. You have the right to object to, and seek restriction of, our processing of your personal data when we process data using this legal basis.

In furtherance of legitimate interests

We process your information for our legitimate interests, and those of third parties, while applying appropriate safeguards that protect your privacy, rights and interests. We do this to:

Market the Services, activities on PlayAround and other commercial products or services. For example, our partners may pay us to promote their products and services on PlayAround. This is one of the ways we are able to provide the Services on a sustainable basis.

Maintain our business by conducting research and continuously improving Our Services so as to offer innovative and customised offerings to our members and partners.

Convert your information into aggregated form for use by us and our partners. Our partners may use this information to improve infrastructure, or for other commercial purposes including developing useful insights. Keep the Services safe and secure by using information to prevent or detect violations of our Terms of Use, fraud or abuse, and other harmful or illegal conduct. We may also share information with third parties, including law enforcement agencies for this purpose.

Promote the Services, including email and in-product marketing campaigns to inform you about Our Services.

Enable you to find new ways to interact by using Our Services. For example, to compete on segments, participate in, challenges, or events, follow other members, and use features that help members interact with one another, such as group activities.

Enable you to visualize your activities in new ways. For example, by using your training log.

Customize the Services for you. We may suggest segments, routes, challenges, or clubs that may interest you, runners that you may want to follow, or new features that you may want to try. We rely on our legitimate interest in retaining members when ensuring that we offer new opportunities, such as showing routes or segments of interest to our community, and we may use location information when suggesting such opportunities.

You have the right to object to, and seek restriction of, our processing of your personal data based on legitimate interests. Visit your privacy controls to object to the processing of your personal data. If you have questions about objections, please contact us at playaroundhk.com@gmail.com

PROTECTION and MANAGEMENT of Your Personal Data

Encryption & Security

We use a variety of technical and organizational security measures, including encryption and authentication tools, to maintain the safety of your personal data.

Retention of your Personal Data

Your personal information will be retained for as long as is necessary to carry out the purposes set out in this privacy policy (unless a longer retention period is required by applicable law). In general, this means that we will keep your personal data for as long as you keep your PlayAround account. For personal data related to product and event ticket purchases, we retain this longer to comply with legal obligations (such as tax and sales laws and for warranty purposes).

YOUR RIGHTS Relating to Your Personal Data

You have the right to request: (i) access to your personal data; (ii) an electronic copy of your personal data (portability); (iii) correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or inaccurate; or (iv) deletion or restriction of your personal data in certain circumstances provided by applicable law. These rights are not absolute. Where we have obtained your consent for the processing of your personal data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

Enquiry of Data access and correction. If you have any query in relation to the Company’s privacy policy or you wish to access or correct your personal data held by us, you may contact send an email to us at: playaroundhk.com@gmail.com

COOKIES and Pixel Tags

PlayAround collects information, which may include personal data, from your browser when you use our Sites. We use a variety of methods, such as cookies and pixel tags to collect this information, which may include your (i) IP-address; (ii) unique cookie identifier, cookie information and information on whether your device has software to access certain features; (iii) unique device identifier and device type; (iv) domain, browser type and language, (v) operating system and system settings; (vi) country/region and time zone; (vii) previously visited websites; (viii) information about your interaction with our Sites such as click behavior, purchases and indicated preferences; and (ix) access times and referring URLs.

Third parties may also collect information via Sites through cookies, third party plug-ins and widgets. These third parties collect data directly from your web browser and the processing of this data is subject to their own privacy policies.

We use cookies and pixel tags to track our customers’ usage of the Sites and to understand our customers’ preferences (such as country/region and language choices). This enables us to provide services to our customers and improve their online experience. We also use cookies and pixel tags to obtain aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction, to identify trends and obtain statistics so that we can improve our Sites. There are generally three categories of cookies used on our Sites:

Functional:These cookies are required for basic site functionality and are therefore always enabled. These include cookies that allow you to be remembered as you explore our Sites within a single session or, if you request, from session to session. They help make the shopping bag and checkout process possible as well as assist in security issues and conforming to regulations. Performance:These cookies allow us to improve our Sites’ functionality by tracking usage. In some cases, these cookies improve the speed with which we can process your request and allow us to remember site preferences you have selected. Refusing these cookies may result in poorly-tailored recommendations and slow site performance.

Social media and Advertising:Social media cookies offer the possibility to connect you to your social networks and share content from our Sites through social media. Advertising cookies (of third parties) collect information to help better tailor advertising to your interests, both within and beyond our Sites. In some cases, these cookies involve the processing of your personal data. Refusing these cookies may result in seeing advertising that is not as relevant to you or you not being able to link effectively with Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks and/or not allowing you to share content on social media.

USING www.PlayAroundHK.com with Third-Party Products and Services

Our Sites and Apps may provide links to other (third-party) websites and apps for your convenience or information. Linked sites and apps have their own privacy notices or policies, which we strongly encourage you to review. To the extent any linked websites or apps are not owned or controlled by us, we are not responsible for their content, any use of the websites or apps, or the privacy practices of the websites or apps.

CHANGES to Our Privacy Policy

Applicable law and our practices change over time. If we decide to update our privacy policy, we will post the changes on our Sites and Apps. If we materially change the way in which we process your personal data, we will provide you with prior notice, or where legally required, request your consent prior to implementing such changes. We strongly encourage you to read our privacy policy and keep yourself informed of our practices.


Enquiry of Data access and correction. If you have any query in relation to the Company’s privacy policy or you wish to access or correct your personal data held by us, you may contact send an email to us at: playaroundhk.com@gmail.com

Our Company will update and revise this Policy regularly. Our Company reserves all rights of its interpretation and copyrights.